Cheshire and Wirral CCGs - Continuing Health Care


Five CCGs across Cheshire and Wirral were looking to develop a new service delivery model for the management of Continuing Healthcare, Complex Care, Funded Nursing Care and Quality and Safeguarding.  The outputs of this work included a detailed Due Diligence Review.  This included a review of the performance of the service (identifying areas of clinical and financial risks), a workforce review and productivity assessment, together with a set of detailed recommendations for the re-design of the CHC, complex care and FNC service.  This subsequently led on to Stage 2 – developing the CCG transition model and plan as well as supporting the CCGs with the safe transition of CHC services by 1st February 2015.

Following the successful, safe transfer of the service on 1st February 2015, we have been asked to support the CCGs with Stage 3 -  the development of the Future Service Model and supporting business case to be delivered by July 2015.

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