What We do

‘We don’t just change we transform’

The challenges facing health and social care are unprecedented; a growing older population with greater demands and expectations; a need to deliver improvements in the quality, organisation and outcomes of care; an imperative to increase productivity and value whilst ensuring patient safety.

The climate of prolonged financial restraint has resulted in intense financial and service pressures.  Business as usual is not sustainable. As the NHS Forward View highlights, addressing these challenges requires a new approach to developing sustainable models of care that will secure high quality, efficient and effective care for the individual – care that is personalised, better co-ordinated and responsive to changing needs and circumstances. 


In response to these challenges, health and care economies across the country are developing new models of care inspired by NHS England's 5 Year Forward View.



New Care Models are grounded in the concepts of integrated care and polulation health, whereby a system's finite resources are more effectively allocated to meet the health and care needs of the popiulation.   As a result  health and care organisations should be working collaboratively as a unified system, rather than a composition of several organisations working independently to pursue their own respective interests.

Integrated Care Systems will be measured by how effectively finite resources are allocated to meet the needs of their underlying population. In simple terms, the sole purpose of integration is to minimise the under-use  and over-use  of the system's finite health and care resources, ensuring the outcomes are clearly defined, consistent and measurable.


Whilst the challenges facing our NHS are urgent, the need for transformational change must not be seen as a one-off project, but integral to our way of operating – part of the DNA of our health service, and key to accelerating this comes down to its people, both now and in the future. 


Our Services

Please find below our core services. Click on any box to find out more.


Who we work for